Well hello there. I’m actually astounded and amazed that you
stuck around. Seriously. I know I usually don’t hang around if a blogger pulls
a trip down the rabbit hole like I have been. Thank you. You have my love,
gratitude, and all that good jazz.
So…beyond telling you that my life has become just as busy
as everyone else’s (and much busier than I’m accustomed to) I’m not going to
give out many excuses. See, now this is how much I love you – I’m explaining
myself at all. Trust me folks, I don’t explain myself or my actions to anyone
very often.
I will, however, for the sake of having something to get
started saying, let you know what’s going on in my corner of the world. I have
to start somewhere lest the pressure cooker of ideas that my head has become
just explodes into a vast, messy, pink goo covered internet space. That actually
didn’t make sense to me either…so you’re better off not asking at this point. This
is what happens when I stop writing. When I start up again, it comes out in a
hot mess of confusion. There’s just too much going on in there.
Let us start at the beginning. I think I stopped writing just
before I went to Hyderabad. I think. I brought my computer along with the
intention of working and blogging while we were on vacation, but I got lost in
the glorious eating, and sleeping, and general hanging around that happens when
we go visit my inlaws. It was indeed glorious. My mother in law is an amazing
cook and we always eat and sleep way too much. Think afternoon naps. Many, many
blessed naps. I loved it. Unfortunately, I didn’t do much of anything
productive. At the end of our trip, my computer decided it was a good Gawd
(Holla Chicago!) Damned day to die.
Like many others of my own and younger generations, I am not
only dependent on my computer for my work and my daily connections with others,
I’m pretty much addicted. I’ve been hooked on Lenovos for my last couple of
laptops. Unfortunately, Lenovos (at least the ones that I’ve had!) have a nasty
penchant for not lasting all that long before fans fail, motors overheat and
fry and screens randomly don’t work. I’ve finally become marginally smarter
than the system and backed up all my stuff on one of the 2 hard drives that
Daddy G had a field day making fun of me for buying. Who’s laughing now smarty
pants? Who is not spending all my time reloading CDs into itunes, freaking out
that I lost all my important bloggy and other documents, and freaking out that
we lost the girls’ baby pictures? Not this girl, that’s who.
Fortunately, we have a backup laptop at home that Daddy G
bought last time he went to the states. We kind of view it as the ugly step child
laptop at our house, because it just doesn’t work the same as my old faithful.
I am, at the moment, super thankful for it though. I am able to work at my job,
blogging, and my side projects and stay connected to the world. We’re hoping to
be able to get it fixed as I think it’s a screen problem and not a fan problem –
yet. That is, we’ll get it fixed whenever Daddy G finds the time/incentive/nagging
insufferable and gets it fixed.
Other than that drama, I have been swamped with my job. One
of them anyways. It’s been good making
the money, but it’s been darn hard keeping up with it along with all of the
other fun flying around.
In more good news, I now have 5 students coming to my house
to learn the piano. The further I get into this project, the more fun it
becomes. As of lately, Daddy G and I have been in some pretty serious
discussions on the direction we want to take in life and more specifically,
whether I should pursue a job at a company (such as the one he works for that
rhymes with Farget) or whether we should go full time in pursuing the business
of opening and running a music school in Bangalore. I’m pretty much gung ho
about being an entrepreneur, but it does have some pretty serious implications
for our family. Many of them have to do with whether or not we stay in India on
a very long term basis (which would be the case if we opened a music school) or
head back to the US (which would mean it would be a good idea to do my best to
get a corporate job before hand). As these discussions are of a serious nature,
versus a hypothetical, daydreamish type discussion, it’s both thrilling and
terrifying. I’m not exactly sure what I want from life or where I want to live
it. As it stands right now, I really want it both ways, which I’m aware is not
On a tragic note, I do not have access to my Outlook. This means
I haven’t been able to follow most of the eleventy billion blogs I usually read
every day. It also means that I don’t have any clue what day it is unless my
house is full of people, which usually means it is Saturday or Sunday. I am
indeed lost without my calendar.
So my loyal readers, don’t despair. I will be back to read
all of your outrageously talented material and leave inane comments just as
soon as I track down all your blogs again and stick them in a different feed
reader. Anyone have any suggestions? Preferably that won’t wreak havoc on my
reading habits should my computer decide to host a not so civil protest at
being overused and underpaid?