Monday, June 4, 2012

On Excellent Writing and Hoarding Behavior

Mood: It’s hot outside. Dutch people don’t like excess heat.
Listening to: 9XM music videos.

Today looks like a great day to spend writing. As with other things in life, it looks like I’m a binge writer too.  Cie La Vie people.

As I’ve mentioned, I like reading blogs as well as writing them. I have 168 feeds in my outlook that I keep up with religiously. See, the problem here is, there are just too many talented, funny people that I really enjoy reading. A further problem, is that I keep finding more funny and more people I really admire and want to read. This recent active foray into the blogging community has been so amazing, I can’t believe I didn’ t do it earlier. I’ve been blogging since 2004/5 ish on my own, but it was always and anonymous place to just post thoughts. I actually feel a part of a community now, and it is glorious.

So a big thank you to all of the bloggers that I follow regularly. You all have given me the inspiration to keep writing, even when writing is damn near impossible. I’d also like to throw a special thank you out there to Lady in Red, my first real two way interaction with a blogger online.  Without her, this experiment very well may have been shelved before it’s time.  I really appreciate your friendship.

If anyone has suggestions of excellent bloggers to read – I love hearing suggestions. This was one of the benefits I found of the Liebster awards that I so cynically blogged about a few months back. It allows you to pass on stuff you enjoy reading.  I have definitely followed up on all of those suggestions.


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